Hey there go-getter!
Look! No one’s perfect, we all get into funks.
And when you’re running a business, have a kid or two, and may be even a significant other, life can get a little hectic.
Recently I’ve been dealing with a little bit of overwhelm, we’re moving, I’m re-branding, re-launching, and just re-everything-ing my life.
I usually binge on brownies, and fried chicken, but instead I’ve been doing this, which I think has saved on calories, I’ve lost 12 pounds instead of gained 20, and I’ve managed to be pretty productive.
Here’s my 5 Tips To Get Out Of A Funk FAST!
#1. ACCEPT that you are funky. Stop sticking your head in the sand, when your partner asks you whats wrong and you say nothing, that doesn’t help!
#2. DECIDE to start each day in gratitude. Make a list of 10 things you are grateful for every morning. It’ll remind you that things aren’t that bad.
#3. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Your old ways are the reason you’re feeling the way you’re feeling, change things up, look at what created your funk in the first place and do something different.
#4. STUDY SUCCESS. 30 mins a day of personal development will change your brain chemistry.
#5. YOU’RE NOT IN CONTROL, DEAL WITH IT. Stop being such a control freak. It’s not always up to you, you can’t control the outcome of everything, some times things are the way they are.
You’re going to be ok! I promise.
All my love and aloha,
Sloane K.
5 Tips To Get Out of a Funk Fast
August 1, 2019
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